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Each year, Jesse Remington High School is blessed to receive over $100,000 in contributions from our valued ministry partners and supporters. We are deeply grateful for their generosity, which directly benefits the school. These gifts are allocated to one of five key funds: Annual, Scholarship, Athletics, Mission Trip, and Campus Development. Additionally, individuals who commit to ongoing support become members of our Sentinel Society. Together, these contributions help sustain and advance the mission of JRHS.


Thank you for supporting the mission of Jesse Remington High School!

Sentinel Society

The Sentinel Society is a growing network of alumni, parents, and friends who are committed to the mission of Jesse Remington High School, and by their gifts and regular prayer support, foster the development of the school and support its students.


Sentinel Society support is the cornerstone of our giving programs. Among our most committed and loyal donors, Society members value Jesse Remington’s mission. Their giving promotes academic excellence, spiritual formation, care for our faculty and staff, student and campus development, and scholarships.


Currently, we have more than 50 committed Sentinel Society members. Their committed giving and support are a great blessing and encouragement. If you are interested in joining the growing list of Sentinel Society supporters please reach out to our Finance Manager, Jackie Lacy, (, or join on line to make recurring gifts by on clicking on the Join Sentinel Society button.


Members’ gifts make a significant impact in the delivery of the JRHS education, and we are grateful!

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Annual Fund

JRHS conducts an Annual Fund campaign each year. Unrestricted gifts to the Annual Fund are used where they are needed most and are dedicated to enhancing the value of a Jesse Remington Education.


Your gift to the Annual Fund will make a difference in the lives of students and faculty by allowing us to strengthen our programs and advance the mission of JRHS which can be summarized as - authentic Christian community, pursuing excellence and promoting leadership. Our goal is to raise $130,000 to fulfill our plans for the year.

Campus Development

Gifts to this Fund support stewardship and improvements to our facilities.


Your gift to the Annual Fund will make a difference in the lives of students and faculty by allowing us to strengthen our programs and advance the mission of JRHS which can be summarized as - authentic Christian community, pursuing excellence and promoting leadership. Our goal is to raise $130,000 to fulfill our plans for the year

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