By Kathy Carlson, Director of Admissions

Project Based Learning (PBL) is a dynamic teaching approach that empowers students to acquire knowledge and skills through hands-on creation, construction, and performance. Projects typically span eight to twelve weeks, offering students the opportunity to develop both technical and essential soft skills, including deep content knowledge, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication. PBL sparks an infectious enthusiasm for learning among both students and teachers.
At Jesse Remington High School, PBL enriches our Christ-centered academic program with engaging, experiential learning. This year’s first-quarter project was the Humanities Faire, an all-school presentation on the 20th-century clash between capitalism and communism. For Quarter 2, our current project classes include Drawing and Fine Arts, Stained Glass, Timber Frame & Woodworking, Yearbook & Digital Photography, and Performing Arts. Stay tuned for more details on each of this quarter's project classes in our posts next week!

We’re excited to share the results of these efforts at our Christmas Gala on December 14, 2024, from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Join us for food, music, dancing, a bonfire, crafts, and our students’ 2nd Quarter project work. The Performance Arts show starts at 7pm in the church sanctuary, while other project work will be showcased in the lower level of the Smyth Memorial Building. We invite you to join us for this joyful celebration!
