We are blessed to have missionaries Garrett and Katrina McLarty (and kiddos) back on campus for a few weeks this spring! They have graciously stepped into teaching all levels of College and Career classes, focusing on the broad and important areas of relationships, priorities, and identity. Garrett and Katrina are active stateside missionaries, currently serving in Colorado.
We asked them, “How can you help us prepare our students for adulthood?”
"Our goal is to pass on the things that have been entrusted to us following the pattern from Psalm 78, Matthew 28 and 2 Timothy 2:2. We love helping students see how God is already at work in their lives. The questions of identity and purpose that are challenging our culture are beautifully answered in the Bible.
We have been blessed to have mentors that have helped us see the identity God has for us as His sons and daughters. And as His sons and daughters to be sure of our place in his heart. From this place of security, we can be His ambassadors to the world, bringing the message of reconciliation, as articulated in 2 Corinthians 5.
We are also excited to see the work of the Gospel in people, where once the truth of God’s love and forgiveness is understood, we can then love and forgive those around us. It is exciting to see how the best practices for conflict management, trauma healing, and reconciliation as understood secular culture are actually based on Biblical principles. We are to be peacemakers through the power of the Holy Spirit working in our hearts.
We look forward to students feeling equipped and empowered to bring Jesus’ love to their those around them whether locally or as they embark on missions trips to places farther away."