On a beautiful (and hot!) late August day, the faithful family and friends of Reece Dow and Molly Gibson gathered in Dunbarton NH to celebrate the marriage of these two fine young people. Headmaster Jeff Philbrick served as the officiant of the wedding at the lovely home of Chip and Maria Donnelly on their lovely organic blueberry farm, formally known as Stark Farm, in the legacy of General John Stark.

Reece's groomsmen included Peter Hwang ('15), and Molly's bridesmaids included Angela Dow ('17) and Carmella St. Pierre ('15). Proud parents Bruce and Carmella Dow, and Jeff and Ellen Gibson hosted the big event .The matrimony was celebrated beneath the elegant Maple trees, and the reception went well into the night beneath the bit tent.

Headmaster Philbrick was blessed to be the officiant, and enjoyed the time leading up to the wedding where he led the couple through a most worthwhile program, How to Save Your Marriage before it Starts, by Les and Lesie Parrott. May the Lord richly bless this new couple as they set out on the lifetime journey of marriage