By Marissa Fuller, Faculty

In years past, Jesse Remington High School has been privileged to engage the community in the Humanities Faire performances. In just a few days, crowds from the surrounding Southern New Hampshire towns will come out to view Jesse Remington High School students unfold history through their live performances and exciting learning interactions. This year’s performance captures the preservation of the Christian faith throughout history in the ancient world, from the Abrahamic Covenant to the Nicene Creed. The message of Christ’s kingdom will be unveiled through the academic and skillful efforts of our JRHS students.
Over the last two months of school, JRHS students have scrupulously researched ancient world characters and timelines, rigorously written papers and scripts, and have built sets and games which will create a fun-filled weekend for the guests. Additionally, the JRHS students have had the exceptional opportunity to learn and grow in their own knowledge of how their faith has been preserved and strengthened by those who have gone before. As one alumnus shares about his own experience through the Humanities Faire, “One of the things that prepared me the most for my future was the consistent exposure to public speaking. Things like performing Shakespeare or the Faire…I have been able to do things now such as preach in my church or share at men’s retreats fairly comfortably.”

As this alumni’s testimony expresses, JRHS builds success even for future professional development. It will be exciting to hear more testimonies like this one in the coming years as this generation of JRHS youth experience similar opportunities to serve their community through a school-wide academic endeavor. Furthermore, as this current generation of students performs in the 2021 Ancient World Faire, they will be developing a memory piece of their own life history that they can reflect on as they look back on their high school experience as a student.