We made it to Costa Rica safely!
All went smoothly from the time we left the school, the drive to Boston through the Nor’easter blowing strong and both legs of the flight. We arrived in Costa Rica to a Hot balmy 92 degrees!
Total natural disaster count experienced on our first day, 3! Nor’Easter Blizzard in New Hampshire, Earthquake in New Jersey and Volcanic Eruption in Costa Rica!
The guest house is located in the beautiful area of Dos Rios and accommodates everyone well. We met Gretel Pérez, the director of Christ for the City International, who took us through orientation, and taught us a new word, “SFINC’ing”. It stands for Smile, be Flexible, Improvise, and No complaining.
Please continue to keep us all in prayers and keep an eye out for our daily blogs on Facebook.
Pura Vida! (The Costa Rican Motto, translated to, “All is Well”.)

Renuevos, La Carpio
Our day was spent in La Carpio supporting the existing missionaries using activities to connect with the children in the program and by doing physical work that needed to be completed at the camp.

Abiding and Resting in God
John 8:31 ”… If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples.”
We were warmly welcomed into the La Carpio church family today. The service was held in both Spanish and English.
In the afternoon we toured the capital of Costa Roca, San Jose. We learned about their system of governance and the history of the city.
It was a day of abundant blessings!
