By Mark Moran (Class of 2007)

As Easter approaches, the students of Jesse Remington High School (JRHS) are single purposed on mission for the Kingdom of God. The students on the Detroit mission trip are serving alongside Central Detroit Christian Ministries to renovate several vacant homes to provide low cost housing for local residents. The work is challenging and requires them to get their hands dirty in projects.
Challenge, projects, hands-on… this is a list of words intimately familiar to the Sentinels of JRHS. Mr. Martens is among the faculty leaders of this trip, and he was proud to see what the students were able to accomplish as they completely cleared two lots of decades worth of junk, trash, and overgrown vegetation. The work being done brings glory to God while meeting very real needs in an inner-city community and is supporting Central Detroit Christian ministries as they build the relationships that will spread the Gospel.

Scientific studies have continuously proven the Bible right on the importance and value of relationship building. Chloe Frederickson (’26) has been reveling in the opportunity to tutor local fifth graders, and then enjoying backyard games and bonding activities such as hair braiding. The work has added to her gratitude for God’s goodness, and she cannot wait to see what else He has in store.
Continue to pray for these students as they serve in this dynamic way. Ask the Lord to provide opportunities to share His love with the residents, and to build lasting relationships that will bear the fruit of the Gospel.
Here are the most recent reflections from two of our students:

From Mackenzie:
"Today our team stayed at Redeemer Presbyterian church to do work and cleaning around the building. Our team split into a few groups to do the different jobs. Then I worked with Karma, Carter, and Mrs. James to clean the sanctuary. We dusted, mopped the stage, and vacuumed the rugs. After cleaning we had a bit of a break then split into two groups after lunch to go to either the CDC (Central Detroit Christian) and spend time with the children similar to yesterday's trip, or go to Belle Isle to visit the aquarium and gardens. Upon arriving at Belle Isle, we realized that the building was closed and we couldn't go inside. We found a few shops and walked around Detroit before heading back to the church and finishing our day with devotions and a student talent show competition. Kevin won for his piano playing."

From Nolan:
"Today we had two members join the group; Aidan, and Grandma Philbrick. We completed a lot of work during the past few days, but today was a more relaxing day. Some of us cleaned around the church. Emma, Mr. Martins, and I continued the drywall by finishing parts from last year. Speaking of last year, Aidan (my brother) had worked in the Detroit group last year and decided to join us on his Easter break to help out. He was able to see the progress since he was here last year. After we were done working, we went out to Belle Isle. While standing on the shore, we were able to see Canada which was straight across the water. After which we visited a nature center on Belle Isle, we spent time at a park before going into the city. We finished the night off with devotions and a talent show put on by students and faculty and I came in second place."