By Erika Burgher

We removed the outdated kitchen equipment from the space pictured above. Our Team cleaned and primed the walls that will be a new guest group kitchenette!

Here's our Team posting under the new game room ceiling they worked on. Old tiles were removed and new ones were cut and placed. New lights were installed by our Team as well!

This group tore down the water stained ceiling and added new sheet rock.
After a strong week of working as a team on several projects, we can step back and say “Job well done!” Our mission when we set out for Camp Monadnock included two major projects, but everyone worked so fast and so well on those projects, that more were added. During daily reflection times students recognized that though things like new ceilings don’t necessarily catch people's attention, that their efforts would benefit the camp programs and add to the visual appeal of each space. The students also enjoyed their interactions with the camp staff, many of whom live on campus and attended each meal with us. Overall, the feeling was one of accomplishment and joy knowing that the work that was completed will benefit Camp Monadnock’s ability to further their mission of “helping people encounter Christ and advancing the church”.