Today we had a very productive workday at the church. It was also the first day that the Detroit Christian school used the facility. So we enjoyed sharing the space with the little kids.

Mr. Philbrick and students help lead the weekly chapel service. They are learning the Westminster Catechism, and studying the great hymn, It is well, with my Soul. This first year of DCS, there are 20 lovely children, grades K-4, eager and ready to learn. This humble beginning will bear much fruit over time, as God shows them the next steps for their school. It is a privilege for us Sentinels to be helping DCS off the ground.
The Detroit Mission Team includes Juniors Jake Carlson (who is in fact a repeat missionary form the inaugural 2022 trip), Elliot Doty; Sophomore Audrey Malynowski and Cohen McGinnin; Freshmen Christy Comrie, Cian Fawcett, Hannah Adejumo, Ethan Rollins, Tim DeRose, Stephen Zheng
We enjoyed a wonderful lunch at the beautiful Belle Isle, and enjoyed a game of football. We took the requisite team picture with the Detroit skyline across the river. Another part of our adventure today was facing the cruel reality that our rented van was a lemon, and we had to go back to the airport for an exchange.
The work was “the usual” and the expected: wreck, fix, mud, tape, sand, cut, fit (cut again), clean up (clean up again). Then, take a break, and do it all again! Working for the Kingdom!