We began the morning by dropping off a team leader and two students at the medical clinic. The rest of the group went on a prayer walk through La Carpio, including the homes along the river at the bottom of the city which is the poorest section of the area. We were welcomed into three homes whose families are involved in the Renuevos program. We prayed with and brought food and clothing to each family which was a very big encouragement to them. We experienced life changing sites, smells and stories that we will never forget!

In the afternoon we served the children again with our teens presenting the Gospel message in Spanish. They then personalized t-shirts with the children’s handprints and a cross. They continued to build relationships with the children of La Carpio by playing games, balloon fights, and spending one on one time with them.

In the evening Esther, Emma, Annika, Chloe, Bess, Anna and Jack along with the JRHS leaders, served in a homeless street ministry downtown San Jose. We fellowshipped, handed out food, and talked and prayed with many of the homeless. About 80 homeless and 40 volunteers gathered together this evening. It was a long impactful day.
Reflections from a student:
"After a late night, we woke up to be ready by 7:30 AM to have breakfast and get back to work! Mrs. Cross gave the devotion about kindness and how we should incorporate that into our everyday lives. While on the mission it's easy to be kind because we don't live with those that we are serving, but we have to be loving and kind to one another, as well as the kids and people we are ministering too. At 8:15 AM we loaded up on the bus to head to La Carpio.

We dropped off Ms. Buttafoco, Karma and Mandi to continue their service at the medical clinic. The rest of us went to help with the kids at Renuevos, another center for Christ for the City ministries. One of the most impactful experiences from this trip was a prayer walk into the community of La Carpio. We went out to walk the neighborhood to hand out clothing, shoes and necessities. This was a super humbling experience. Personally I’ve never experienced the amount of poverty that these people live in. They have absolutely nothing, the houses are super tiny and yet they are so grateful for a hand on the shoulder with a prayer. They are full of love and appreciation for the smallest things given to them. What lessons we are learning about the fruits of the spirit and being grateful for all that we have back home!"
-Sophia Goodhue