Thomas Aristizabel from Deerfield began attending JRHS in January of his freshman year. Thomas has valued the variety of classes here at JRHS but his favorite class by far was his biology class with Mrs. Trudeau. Mrs. Trudeau taught biology in such a way that he found himself increasing in his awareness of the world around him, and enjoying the class. Winning the 2022 basketball championship is an experience he will never forget. He specifically remembers how he improved in his basketball skills and his relationships with his teammates. A second highlight of his JRHS experience was the mission trip to Uganda this past April. In Uganda, Thomas recalls how he grew in his public speaking skills when he was suddenly asked to speak to a large group of young men and share the gospel. He also matured in his ability to confidently interact with people. Thomas thinks his Class of 2023 can best be described as, “Odd to say the least. We have a broad range of skills and are always looking for some fun.” Thomas considers Romans 3: 21-26 to be his guiding verse as it illustrates how all have fallen short of the glory of God, but God shed his blood on the cross so that we might be saved. Thomas plans to attend lineman school in Georgia and work at I.C. Reed & Sons upon completion of the program.