Morgann Clegg from Manchester has been with us for the past four years. During this time, she has been challenged to grow through many classes, projects, and activities. The Junior and Senior apologetics Bible courses have greatly assisted with her growing and understanding her faith. She was challenged to think about what she believed and is thankful for Mr. Hannan’s teaching. In the project curriculum the Maple sugaring class was a favorite. She developed from a novice not even knowing what an evaporator was to a class leader who was able to train new students to run the evaporator. For Morgann, the class is about team collaboration, hard work (she even enjoyed collecting), and being proud of the finished product (God’s Secret delight)! Another area of school life she enjoyed was the great fellowship and challenge of Ski Club. This provided opportunities to develop meaningful relationships with others. She can see that her class has grown over the last four years into great friends, and they will miss one another. Philippians 2:3-4 is a “guiding passage that helps me to be sensitive and compassionate towards others”. Morgann will be attending Liberty University online studying social work.