The highlights of Lukkas’ four years at JRHS has always been the outdoor experiences such as the Fall Mountain Retreat or the all-day hikes. These moments have grown his relationships with teachers and friends all while enjoying God’s creation. He is also mechanically gifted, and this gift has been used around campus many times throughout his high school years. Having an entrepreneur’s mind, he has used his talents to grow in the gifts that God has given him through project classes such as Timber Framing.
Lukkas Hyvonen’s last four high school years has led him to appreciate the many facets of God’s world through a biblical lens. His favorite and most formative class has been humanities since it has taught him not only the history of the world, but also how this current generation can observe and learn from the decisions of the past generations in order to wisely pave the way for a better and
brighter future.

His heart for creating a better future will continue as he seeks the possibility of joining the Marine Reserves or possibly attending college. As he pursues his future goals to follow the Lord amidst this generation, Lukkas reflects on his life verse, John 16:33 as Jesus says, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”