Jacob Comrie of Deerfield has been around for all four of his high school years, and boy have they been fun! That’s his middle name, Jacob Fun Comrie. He has a real way of building-up the
community through his love for basketball. The mental and physical aspects both were
intriguing to him as he played, he said that “Basketball is both physical and mental, and many of
the lessons we learned on the court won’t be forgotten.” Being a part of several championship
teams were great memories of his! Another great memory was the Hungary mission trip, he described it like this; “The Hungary mission trip of 2023 was also a highlight of my career. The relationships and memories made on that trip are hard to sum up in words.” He is really going to miss Mr. Hannan who, “is a relatable teacher and I respected the way he explained his Christian worldview while also encouraging us to build our own.” His favorite Bible verse is John 3:16. Jacob plans to attend NHTI for architectural engineering technology for the next two years in hopes of designing either timber frame structures or residential houses. We will miss you Jcom!