Ellie Philbrick attended Jesse Remington for all four years of her high school experience, the fourth child in her family to do so. She very much taking CP Humanities class because she loves reading many of the classic pieces of literature and seeing how God works throughout both American and European world history. She was a remarkable student in many ways, earning very high marks all the way through. She is one of the few JRHS students to earn a 4.0 cumulative GPA. Adding to her laurels is that she was awarded the Jesse Remington Award this year.

Many of us will remember her faithful leadership on so many JRHS projects and events. Her presence and leadership in chapel brought a radiance and joy to the group that was powerful. At a public event, such as Agape Lunch, Open House, or the Trip Testimony night, Ellie had a strong presence and reach through her speaking and presenting. We look forward to how God is going to use these skills in the future. And many of us were blessed by her piano playing, culminating with her Senior Recital in late May, an hour long presentation of some masterworks.

Another passion at JRHS was the basketball team, a sport she played since age 6. She is not planning on continuing to play in college other than recreationally, but the JR teams were good for her, and she was good for them. Somehow, the "nice" Ellie could turn into "warrior" Ellie on the court! She was especially pleased to play this year under the coaching of older sister Anna.
She is attending Wheaton College in the Fall of 2019 to pursue a career in Christian Education and Ministry, and a minor in Sociology. She recalls that her final semester of high school really humbled her as a leader for God through the mission trip experience and the drama program. A guiding scripture that Ellie goes to is Psalm 62:1-2 which says, “My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress, I will never be shaken”.

For me, as Headmaster and Father, it has been a joy and privilege to watch Ellie grow from child to now a young woman. I praise God for her work, heart, goals and more.