Camden Stockin has been at Jesse Remington for all four years of his high school career. Around campus, Camden Stockin is a friend to everyone. His joyful heart is contagious and real to those he leads around him. Camden not only has enjoyed the privileges JRHS has offered such as sports, drama, and Timber Frame, but he has enjoyed the fellowship amongst the student body. In fact, Camden’s leadership has fostered a Christian spirit many times around campus.
Additionally, his servant’s heart has been developed through the mission trips at Jesse Remington. One of the most formative mission trips for Camden was his trip to Philadelphia during his freshman year where his compassion grew for the less fortunate who also needed the hope of the gospel.

Because of his ever-growing passion to serve Christ with his life, rather than beginning his college years after high school, Camden will travel to four different countries through The World Race mission program. Though he understands that life is full of challenges, Camden clings to Joshua 1:9 for strength: “Have I not command ed you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” With the Lord’s strength, Camden will continue to live out the JRHS mission statement during his nine months around the world.