Anna Landry of Hooksett became a part of Jesse Remington during her second year of high school. She was absolutely thrilled to be a part of the project-based learning class, especially the Ornithology class, as she has a deep love for birds and considers them her favorite animals. However, her most unforgettable experience at Jesse Remington was the unit in the College and Career class taught by Mr. and Mrs. McLarty. Their influence on Anna and her classmates was truly impactful, and they are genuinely great individuals.
Anna describes her class as a fascinating group of people who are quite laid-back and feel like a close-knit family. As for her future plans, Anna intends to attend Houghton College, where she will major in Communication Arts and minor in Sports Management. However, for now, she is still in the process of figuring out her path in life.

When it comes to guiding principles, Anna finds solace in two verses from the Bible: 1 Corinthians 12:2 and 1 Corinthians 13:2. The first verse reminds her of the times when she used to be led astray by meaningless idols, while the second verse emphasizes the unity of all individuals through the Holy Spirit, regardless of their background or status.
