As 2019 comes to a close, we have much to be thankful for as we have seen god develop students into our school for future Kingdom work. Looking forward to a new year, we can pause for a moment and reflect upon the good story God is writing at and through Jesse Remington High School.
The JRHS Student of today is the leader of our churches, families, workplaces, schools and in our culture as early as the year 2025, and on into the balance of the century. We don’t take our task lightly, and as you invest in JRHS, you are investing into the future of these important institutions that influence the direction of our country.

A recent study published by LinkedIn brings new relevance and encouragement to the myriad of skills a JRHS education develops in students. This study and others like it suggest that workplace “Soft Skills” are becoming increasingly valuable in the work force, and JRHS continues to set the pace in building these important skills into our students, at a comparatively young age. In the study, here are some that top the list: Written and Oral Communication, Organization, Teamwork, Critical Thinking, Creativity, and Adaptability.

The JRHS program of study sets itself apart through the diverse opportunities, delivered by master teachers and project leaders. These “Soft Skills” flow out of so much of what we do every day. We have always known the life-long value of the mission, and now, LinkedIn and others are catching up to us and validating what we offer our privileged students!
We thank you for your prayers and your generous support. From all of us, to all of you - Happy New Year.
