Dear Parents,
I invite you to attend the next Parenting Seminar, Thursday November 19, at 7pm at the Church fellowship hall.
We will be working through Challenge 3 and 4 in our book study, Generation Z by Tim Elmore. In Challenge 3, we are going to talk about Entitlement and how this is going to negatively affect our children's growth in Resilience, Gratitude and even Happiness. The solution is for our kids to embrace the responsibly as well as the privileges of life. Then, in Challenge 4, we are going to look at how much "life' may be too much, and if we give too much without boundaries, we are leading our kids to an overdose of life, maybe even addictions which are very hard to break. This all then leads to anxiety. In this section we will discuss adolescent anxiety by learning about Margin, Mindfulness, Moving and Management.
So, come join the conversation; bring your observations and questions. Our plan will be to treat the environment similar to a restaurant, so, bring your mask until you find your seat, and we will go from there. Bring an individually wrapped goody to share if you can/want.
Please rsvp your attendance HERE.