As we ask our students to always be reaching for new heights, we are also asking it of ourselves when we think about school growth and improvement. As a member of the Association of Christian Schools International, Jesse Remington High School has embarked on a three year journey towards greater flourishing: for students, educators and schoolwide.

The Flourishing Schools Culture Instrument challenges schools to look at the Five Domains of Flourishing and the associated 35 Constructs that inform the Domains. In the fall of 2021, JRHS conducted its original research to create the baseline data we are working from to drive school improvement. The data specific to JRHS comes from observations and experiences from our constituents: students, faculty, parents, alumni, staff and administrators, and board members. The Five Domains are Purpose, Teaching and Learning, Expertise and Resources, Well Being, and Relationships.
JRHS can celebrate exceptional scores in each of the Five Domains, with our highest marks in:
• Engaged Learning – Students engage in activities that nurture critical thinking, evaluating information, and problem solving. Learning focuses on Knowledge to be an educated adult. Learning leads students towards a Biblical World View.
• Holistic Teaching – Teachers realize their work intrinsically involves helping students to develop spiritually and emotionally. Project Learning develops skills in many unique ways. Alumni demonstrate college success in the years after Jesse.
• Collaboration – Learning from and with other teachers and students drives and inspires better teaching and learning. Learning is done collaboratively, not competitively. Learning takes on additional meaning in a Group Success paradigm – for both teachers and students.
• Supportive Leadership – Teachers and support staff trust their leaders as leaders empower teachers and staff to make decisions that leads to student success. A “Three Musketeers” ethos dominates school culture.
• God's Story – Students believe they are a part of God’s bigger plan and can be used by Him to make a difference. Students have a vision that greater things lie ahead. JRHS Alumni demonstrate mission directed lives.
The FSCI assessment also helped us focus our challenge areas to improve upon in the years ahead. Some of the constructs that we have already made marked progress on in this first of three years include:
· Questioning – How can JRHS better help students to “Question Well” the faith of their childhood as they emerge into young adults? How can JRHS (Classes, Teachers, Coaches, Koinonia Groups) be a safe place for students to ask serious, vulnerable, real questions they are struggling with? How can JRHS Leaders best guide students to Biblical Truth?
· Data Driven Improvement, Focus on Outcomes – What is the relevant Data available to JRHS for consideration in implementing change and growth? What are the Outcomes we strive for? And how is effectiveness measured and planned?
· Resource Constraints and Planning – How are we showing our Thankfulness to God for what we have? How are we developing new avenues of Resource for a better school? How are we stewarding the value in all our resources?
This December of 2022 marks the halfway point on our three-year initiative with the FSCI. We have so much to celebrate and be thankful for, and yet, there is always work to do. Headmaster Philbrick is leading our team towards greater flourishing, and is happy to report:
“I am proud of our Board, Faculty and Staff that work tirelessly week in and week out to make JRHS a better place tomorrow than it ever has been before. We praise God for our strengths, and seek His guidance and direction in our challenge areas.”