Elissa Colombo
"After graduating from Jesse Remington in 2020, I enrolled in William Carey University in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where I received a Bachelor of Science degree after double majoring in chemistry and biology with a concentration in environmental biology and a minor in theatre. While at WCU I had numerous chemical and biological research opportunities and was even able to travel to South Dakota State University for a summer to do bioinformatics and genomics research. Looking to the future, I will be getting my master's in biology at Georgia Southern University with the goal of becoming a wildlife biologist who focuses on the conservation and restoration of amphibians and reptiles through the study of their behavioral ecology. JRHS helped prepare me for university thanks to its rigorous workload which taught me time management. The upper-level Bible classes that focused on how Christianity relates to other religions helped me connect with people with different worldviews. As I look to the future, I am so thankful to God for blessing me with the opportunities that I have been given, and I am thankful for the soft skills that I learned while at JRHS."

Amanda Crawford
"Since graduating from Jesse Remington in 2020, I attended Gordon College and successfully earned my degree in Social Welfare in December 2023. However, I chose to walk with my class this Spring 2024. Throughout my time at Gordon, I was blessed to have made many connections and lasting relationships with peers and teachers.
After graduating from Gordon, I felt called to the mission field in Costa Rica. So in March, I traveled with Vision International Missions to San Jose Costa Rica. Apart from two people, the rest of the team were complete strangers to me. However, within an hour I knew the group was going to be special. In the mission field we worked like “a well oiled machine” and by the end of the trip we had become a family in Christ. Overall, this trip taught me how having Christ at the center of our lives can bring unfamiliar people together in order to Bless God’s Kingdom and Himself. I found my love for mission trips because of JRHS, and I am thankful for the opportunities I have had both at JRHS and post graduation."

Kate Jeanes
"Hey! I’m Kate Jeanes, a graduate of the JRHS Class of 2020, and most recently a 2024 graduate of Houghton University. I graduated university with a double major in Environmental Studies (BA) and Intercultural Studies (BA) as well as a double minor in Studio Art and Biology. This May I am headed out to Perth Australia for a 2 month mission trip with a local Church. I will be assisting in youth, children’s, and worship ministry as well as community outreach. Following my time in Australia I will be headed back to Kaikōura New Zealand where I am working for Creation Care Study Programs (CCSP) an environmental/community focused study abroad program! Once my time down under has come to a close I will be searching for next steps!"

Ben and Keagan (Morganthal) Menard
Ben and Keagan (Morganthal) Menard are both recent graduates of the University of New Hampshire. Ben earned his BA in History and Classics, and Keagan earned her BA in Health Sciences. They both have plans to continue their education in the fall.
Last summer they had the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Greece through UNH. They are heading back to Greece this summer while making some other stops in Europe. Keagan is looking forward to visiting Leira, an International student from Switzerland who attended JRHS during their Sophomore year.
Halfway through their college experience, they married in August of 2022. They’ve worked hard to keep the healthy balance of marriage with studying and papers, work, family, friends and church involvement.

Amy Uscinski:
"After graduating high school in 2020, I continued to work for Whole Foods Market and I’m going on seven years there this fall. I can truly say I’ve found my career there. I have been the Associate Team Leader for the Customer Service and E-Commerce team for over a year now. I do everything from scheduling, hiring and onboarding, running the floor day to day, and helping customers, all while maintaining a positive culture on our team of over 50 people. Everyday looks very different at work, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I have met some of my closest friends through Whole Foods. I never knew a more supportive and special group of people. We all challenge each other to grow, take risks, and learn from one another all the while having fun and always being there for one another. I am so thankful for each one of them.
I have been able to travel extensively in these past four years. It would take too much space to list everywhere I’ve been, but to list a few: France, Ireland, Puerto Rico, and countless trips to Rhode Island and Disney. This fall, I will be traveling abroad again which I am very much looking forward to.
I chose not to go to college all the way back when I was a sophomore in high school, and I am so proud of myself for listening to my gut and not caving to the societal norms of going to college after high school. I am so thankful for where I am in life, and I would not ask for anything in my career or journey after high school to happen in any other way than it has."