Day 3

Today our teams started serving two families within the city of San Antonio. Both jobs sites also were in the path of totality of the Eclipse. Here are some highlights from the students about their serving experience:

"Thankfully the Lord blessed our teams with nice weather today. Though it was cloudy and difficult for my team to get a good view of the eclipse, it was still a super cool experience. The cloudy weather made for nice working conditions up on the rooftop. We were able to complete a project that had been in progress from previous groups, and I really enjoyed my opportunity to see the end product as well as being able to bless the homeowners in such a way as fixing their house. At the end of the day Mrs. Rairdon, Kevin Song, and I went to the airport to pick up Josiah Lewis so he could join the Texas mission team for the rest of the week. Overall it was a fantastic experience today, but still a day full of hard work." - Silas
"It was so cool seeing how God blessed everyone today. Our group was able to get a big portion of a family’s roof done and have a blast while doing so. It feels amazing knowing that we are able to help a family feel safe in their own hope when they are worried about their own roof caving in. We had a bunch of team building and working together getting work done at a surprising fast paced. The eclipse only made it better; we were able to sit on the roof and watch it and have total totality. Though it was cloudy and we only got to see a couple of minutes of it, it was still so cool to watch all together. And the weather was amazing; it got hot sometimes but the breeze was amazing. I can’t wait to get back to work tomorrow and hopefully get to learn more about our home owner and grow closer to the people on our team." - Faith

"Working on this family’s house today was an extremely great experience to have; just to be able to help a family that needed it, and see how God is working in their lives leading up to this point. It was really nice to be able to hear the situation they were in and us being able to fly out here and give our time to help their cause is amazing. Also, to be able to help this family with problems that have been concerning them". - Mathias