By Matt Hannan, Faculty

Jesus taught us that it is not what goes into a person that defiles them, but what comes out. Character is the result of many small reactions to what God sends to us in His providence, either for good or for evil. Good growth (i.e. sanctification) is God’s people working by the Holy Spirit to more consistently love God and act like Christ, no matter the circumstances. On the other hand if we allow our flesh to take over, we move away from our Lord. This general principle of “becoming what you” do is universal. Athletes do not wake up one day, decide they will play football, and get drafted. It is the work of a lifetime to achieve excellence. And it is the work of a Christian to strive for excellence in all things, returning a good investment to God for the gifts and resources He has provided to us. If you invest in something, you will improve, but you will not be an expert overnight. Be diligent.
Take heart today, that God is sending you all that you need for excellence through the Spirit, and move forward. As with the Apostles, we begin to timidly walk behind our Lord, yet over the years our steps become more confident and more like Jesus. As He molds you into a better Christian, so all other avenues of life will come with the same diligence and investment of the resources He has given to you.