By Sheridan Knecht

In a humorous yet touching story called “Soapy Smith’s Winter Wish”, Jesse Remington High School students showcased acting skills from the Drama project class taught by Miss Fuller and Mr. Knecht. Students rehearsed during Jan term and Third Quarter for the production held at Candia Congregational Church, as part of a “Celebration of Talent.”
The story follows Soapy Smith (Camdin Stockin) as he tries to fight off the winter blues with conversation and friendship with two other homeless men (played by Karma Hignett and Marah Langlois). We are told by the narrator, “Old Timer” (Aletheia James), of the schemes of Soapy, a former Wall Street success story, who is now homeless, as he searches for a warm place to spend the winter, with some hilarious setbacks along the way. In the end, Soapy has a change of heart and decides to dedicate his life to helping others in need. From tech crew to acting, students collaborated to capture the audience’s attention in this heartwarming tale.

With each project class, students learn and practice real-world skills that they can take with them into core classes, relationships, ministry, and the future. Drama offers the opportunity for students to grow and flourish in new skills, such as public speaking, flexibility, and teamwork. Senior Aletheia James spoke to the importance of teamwork, saying that, “getting to know each other helps a ton with putting on a great performance!” Sophomore Karma Hignett appreciated the opportunity she had to learn flexibility as she stepped into the roles of two different characters. She says “I also learned to have a lot of control…I had to have control over my emotions and be able to change from one character and emotions to the other in a matter of minutes.”
“Soapy Smith’s Winter Wish”
Adapted by Thomas Hischak
Produced by special arrangement with
Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado