by Jessica Comrie (‘05), Art Project Teacher
Creativity is flowing this quarter at JRHS! The students have been working diligently honing their artistic skills. We began the term with simple pencil and paper, and got down to the basics. Students learned spacial proportions, composition, shading, and value. Before long, they were able to draw and shade a proper still life.

Once some fundamentals were established, we brought in color! With an extensive understanding of color theory, students were able to create original pieces of work displaying different tones, hues, and color contrast. This understanding led us to our final destination, watercolor! This was the most exciting time for me, as I fell in love with the medium when I was introduced as a student at JRHS many years ago. Students learned the appropriate brush types for different techniques, basic washes, and proper use of the medium. They were able to create beautiful sunset paintings, landscapes, and creative works of their own.

A key component of our lessons has been the importance of original composition and creative expression. The students are encouraged to view themselves as artists and learn to create with intentionality, skill, and self expression. Art student Michelle Ogley remarks,
I have been an artist most of my life and in previous art classes I felt that my artistic abilities and ideas were restricted. In this class however, I was presented with assignments and encouragement that made me feel free to create whatever I was inspired by. This class has taught me how to find artistic inspiration from anything and everything I see around me.
Students building upon their own God given creativity come to discover the beauty and complexity of the Master Artist Who draws them closer with each stroke of His brush.