By Silas Jeanes ('24)

Every year, students are blessed with project classes. The project-based learning gives us students an opportunity to work closely with new concepts, and allows us to develop new skills. This year I am part of the Drawing class, a new class this school year. With it being a new class, this means we have a new project class teacher this year, and that is Mrs. Roberts. Mrs. Roberts works closely with us students to further grow and develop our drawing skills. Each of us enters the class at different levels of artistic talent. Personally, I have created art for a long time with very few art classes. During my sophomore year, there was an art class where we worked with different mediums, but drawing is far more focused on the use of pen and pencil.

I personally enjoy drawing class because it helps me grow in one of the mediums of art that has a lot of variety, and in some ways I may consider a weak spot. Drawing is also beneficial because it fosters creativity which is a God-given attribute. Being able to express emotions is important, and drawing is a creative way to do so. Drawing also helps build a skill that can be used in some career paths. For me, I might use my drawing skills when I pursue design in college.
Outside of the Drawing class is another new project class, which also has applicable life skills. This is the Military Tactics and Leadership Class, taught by Mark Moran. This class is easy to apply directly to the military, but it also equips you with valuable life skills. Though it isn’t for everyone, some people choose to go into the military and serve our country. Having a strong background and knowledge of what you're going into is useful because it better prepares you for what lies ahead. This class is also beneficial for those who don’t choose the military as their career path. The leadership skills are applicable to everyday life, and how you manage yourself and others, whether it be in your personal life, a sports team, or even your future job.

All project classes are a gift to us students, allowing us to further develop and master skills that we may use for the rest of our lives, or skills that will become just a hobby. These classes allow us to better enjoy God's creation and ourselves. Project classes have helped me understand what I enjoy, and have also helped me develop skills that I will use for the rest of my life, and have maybe influenced what career I will go into. I want to give a big thank you to any of those who contribute to our project classes. Project-based learning is important to the development of us students and is truly an aspect of the school that I have grown to appreciate.