Hello Jesse Fams and Fans -
The Detroit Team is turning the corner to late week, and all is well. Today was a long and productive work day at the Church, each small team working hard on the project. We start each day with a robust breakfast (hot cereals, cold cereals....) at 7:30, and begin our work day by 8. Each day we are running about 7-8 small teams.
Here's our awesome leadership Teams:
Dan and Erika Burgher: Kitchen Crew and back porch builders
Ed Cross: floor refinishing and bathroom tiling teams
Joel Whitlock: the daily Home Depot run, and Welcome Center counter Team
Jeff Philbrick: "The Cellar Dwellers" running the crews working in the basement overhaul

We break for lunch about 12:30. Wednesday after lunch we took the afternoon at the Ford Museum, basically the Smithsonian in Detroit. Everyone found their favorite piece of American history and life. Wednesday evening we got a real treat - an insiders view of Detroit, and its 300 year history, led by Pastors Eli and Terri. They shared how each of them has seen Detroit change and grow in their lifetimes. We conclude each night with our group devotion time.
Today we enjoyed some local cultural food at the Yemen Café, followed by a walk into the Center of Detroit and the requisite Ice Cream stop. We feel blessed to be here, and are honored to serve the Lord in this capacity. The students are working hard, enjoying one another, and learning about a great American city.
