Mike was our Chapel speaker on January 15. After Chapel, Mr. Philbrick interviewed Mike as a “JRHS Success Story” – enjoy!

"I am currently wrapping up my junior year at Pensacola Christian College. I have a major in Computer Science and a double minor in Business Management and Biblical Studies. But whenever I’m not at school, I enjoy spending time at home with my family and getting to catch up with teachers, students, and fellow alumni from Jesse Remington whenever I can! I am currently looking for summer internships that would work well with my studies, but if COVID-19 prevents me from this plan, then I will be working as a summer intern for Child Evangelism Fellowship of New Hampshire (CEF) once again, spreading the Gospel with teams of Gospel-driven teens to children in local churches and backyards all across the Granite State.
When I think of JRHS, two attributes come to mind: Well-Rounded and Balanced.
I found Jesse Remington to be very well-rounded in the course material that I studied, especially in my Bible and Humanities classes. Before coming to Jesse Remington, I had grown up in an academic environment where I was given the perspective of one person, and I was told what to think, not necessarily how to think. Jesse Remington taught me not only how to think about subjects, events, and doctrines, but also how to think critically, which liberated me in the sense that it allowed me to make my faith my own and to form deeper relationships with my peers, even if we may have disagreed on a particular subject or doctrine.
I found Jesse Remington to be very well balanced in the amount of curricular and extracurricular activities that allowed me to enhance my academic, mental, physical, social, and most of all, spiritual growth. Every aspect of life at Jesse Remington - morning devotions, chapel messages, project classes, Outdoor Education, athletic practices and games, drama rehearsals, mission trips, and the Fall Mountain Retreat – these and more allowed me to grow in one or multiple of these aspects of life. Every second of my time there was spent to prepare me for college and life in the workforce.
I attend a very conservative Christian college, where one particular viewpoint (Independent Fundamental Baptist) is favored much more highly than others, and it is not uncommon for me to become involved in spiritual conversations with friends that I have on campus. Thanks to the training I received at Jesse Remington, I have been referred to on several occasions as having a “very well-balanced perspective,” and it has truly helped me to form deeper relationships with those around me because I can understand their mindsets and still respect them even if we may disagree on something.
The training that I received at Jesse Remington has also enhanced my capabilities in my job on campus as a Residence Assistant because my perspective on a particular matter is not as dogmatic as other RAs that I work with; thus, I can better bond with the guys on my floor by providing them a much more well-rounded opinion on a given subject than most other RAs can. I thank God every day for the training that I received from Jesse Remington, and I pray that it can be as much of a blessing to the current students as it has been and always will be to me."