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Traditional Curriculum

Demanding. Thought provoking. Rigorous. Worthy. Timeless. Proven. Real. Useful. Authentic – the characteristics of the Jesse Remington traditional curriculum.

A demanding traditional curriculum exposes our students to the timeless truths of God’s world. Our curriculum not only offers them the academic material and skills they will need to be competitive and successful in the college marketplace, but it also offers the opportunity for students to learn some of life’s essential skills like self-discipline, perseverance, time management and consistency.

Students at JRHS take successive years of all subjects. Instead of dropping courses as they get older, they hone in on advanced material. Upper high school students can choose between College Prep courses and General Studies. Here’s a peek at the disciplines:

  • Humanities: Jesse Remington students gain an understanding of the world we live in. Students study eras and civilizations from Biblical times right up to the present, with the goal of each student leaving high school with a solid Biblical World-View.

  • Writing: We place great emphasis upon writing at our school. The Humanities and Bible classes train in analytical and research writing, preparing the student to be a well versed, capable, persuasive writer.

  • Reading: No student leaves JRHS without having read the classic pieces of literature from world history. Apostle Paul, Sophocles, Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Dickens, Twain, Hawthorne, Hemingway, Steinbeck, Lewis, Solzhenitsyn and on goes the list of great authors our students are exposed to.

  • Science: The combination of hands-on labs with the challenge of a rigorous text is what defines our science program. Younger students begin in Earth, Physical and Life Sciences, and culminate with Chemistry and Physics, or Anatomy.

  • Bible: At the center of a student’s experience is the Bible class. Successive years of study geared at personal application form the heart and mind of the student.

  • Math: Students take a math course at Jesse Remington all of their years. Some go the theoretical route, culminating in Calculus; others go the practical route, culminating in Business Math.

  • Foreign Language: Study of another language exposes students to not only the life and culture of another people, but to a worthy study unto itself. JRHS students have the option to take classroom Spanish for one or more years. 

  • Arts and Artisans: The Arts is very important to a Jesse Remington education, completing manual and aesthetic learning. Examples of include, post and beam building, CAD, yearbook, sewing, stained glass, drama and music, robotics, and more.

  • Outdoor Education: Jesse Remington students receive training and opportunity in outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, skiing, canoeing, shooting, fishing, golf and several others. In addition to creating life-long skills, these activities offer a quality, fun event.


Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning at Jesse Remington High School offers a diverse group of hands-on projects that complement the core curriculum.  This model of learning combines traditional content learning with experiential learning through the use of a carefully designed student project.


A Project is a 6 or more-week task, which culminates in a public performance, where students are tasked to complete a piece of a larger whole, and then proceed to build in some multi-dimensional way, a representation of their learning.


All projects are valuable for student growth in Project management, Team collaboration, Personal management, and different life skills. Projects allow for creativity and personal investment and ownership in a way different than the traditional classroom can create. Whether it be in determining how to build and fly a model airplane in Radio Controlled flight, to designing and building a project in our MakerSpace class, to identifying, pressing, and creating a plant collection in Botany.  These courses require a student to develop a variety of skills which increase their attention to details while keeping the larger purpose in view.


Many arts or artisan projects fill the JRHS project curriculum each year. From Painting to Stained glass, to Leathercraft to Graphic Design, students learn to appreciate crafting things with their hands. Several students continue with these skills after their time at JRHS. 

• Project Based Learning: An ASCI Featured Blog written by Headmaster, Jeff Philbrick


The fall Humanities Faire is an annual favorite, where students research and recreate an era in history.  Role playing, script writing, set design and construction, are all part of this unique, two-day outdoor faire. The whole experience helps build empathy and greater understanding of past eras and the lessons that can be learned from the past.


During the late fall the sounds of lovely singing can be heard on campus as our Choir prepares for the Annual Lights on the Hill Christmas Celebration.  Students learn the art and practice of performance and creating a meaningful sequenced program. This is an opportunity for students to share the meaning of Christmas with our community.  


The late winter brings about the return of the maple season, and JR students are ready to go! We have a full-scale Maple Business on campus, where students are involved in every aspect of the project, from tapping to selling. Each year students keep the wood firing roaring, as we shoot for our goal of 100 gallons of pure NH Maple Syrup, which creates commensurate revenue back into the school.


The variety of projects offered at JRHS are a tool used to develop lifelong skills in students.   As we move forward we are dedicated to designing and implementing new projects to meet the demands of a changing world.  We often say the morning traditional curriculum offers the students the “Academic Resume” and the afternoon PBL program offers them the “Life Resume”.

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